Resolve to Look Within
Remember that long list of resolutions that you set back in January? Did you accomplish what you aspired to this year, both personally and professionally?
Well, the good news is that we do not need to measure our lives by our calendars. We can and should think of life as a spiral journey, where we have continuous opportunities to evolve. By mindfully checking in with ourselves regularly, we can help ensure we are constantly growing as opposed to racing the clock to make good on annual resolutions.
Not sure when to start a practice of looking inward? Right now! Yes, looking within can be one of the toughest things to commit to in the beginning (similar to how most of us do not like listening back to recordings of ourselves). However, it is key to help us truly come into our true authentic selves and find ease. As Rumi said, “And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”
In our go-go-go lives, it’s very rare for most of us to take a step back to observe how we make decisions, and where our influencing thoughts have come from. Additionally, we probably don’t take much time to reflect back on our mental and physical states as we make both good and bad decisions to help us tune into those cues for next time. Because self-inquiry is perhaps the best place to begin a journey into self-reflection, here is my challenge to you, should you choose to accept it:
1. Get yourself a new notebook and a fun pen if you fancy a fresh start.
2. Every evening, take five minutes to reflect on your day by answering the following questions. Give yourself this time to practice self-awareness.
–Did you feel in flow today?
–If no, what caused you to not feel in flow? Were you able to come back into flow?
–What did you do for you today?
3. At the end of the week, read back on your notes and thoughts from each day. Ask yourself questions such as:
–How did I operate this week?
–How did I conduct myself?
–How am I truly doing?
4. Continue this for 40 days. EVERY DAY!
I know every day may seem time intensive or tough in the beginning to help yourself slow down, but looking within is one of the most rewarding things you can do to further elevate your consciousness and get into flow. Who else is going to know what is right for you if you do not commit to learning about yourself? Give yourself that little kick in the bottom, and see how your perspective can change.
Please contact me if you need motivational support. I am here for you. I truly am.
I believe you when you say you are here for me – your commitment to others is clear.