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Tools for Not So Rapid Transformation

A year and half ago I wrote a blog post called Tools for Rapid Transformation. While making use of these tools has been life-altering for me and I continue to stand by them, one thing that I have come to recognise is that certain changes...


Guest Post: The Poet

Do not imagine. Accept the world as it is. Accept the traditions you were born into. You cannot change them. Accept your place in society. As a woman, you must breed and care for your children, nothing more. As a man, you must work and...

Young female is writing notes and planning her schedule.

Your Breath. Your Fuel.

Our bodies have been designed in an incredible way. So many of our bodily functions happen automatically without us directing, influencing or needing to control them. Our hearts beat and pump blood throughout the body. Our digestive system processes food and converts it to energy...


This is final post of our series on Emotions, in which we have explored Jealousy, Sadness, and Anger (a few months earlier), and are now ready to finish on Happiness!   When asked “What is happiness?” Aristotle said, “Happiness depends on you.” In other words, Aristotle...

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This post is a continuation of our series on emotions, and explores Sadness, an emotion which is often viewed as painful, but doesn't necessarily need to be.   From time to time, we all experience sadness. Sometimes we feel it coming, and sometimes it seems to come out...

Young female is writing notes and planning her schedule.


Emotions. As sentient beings, we are faced with a wide range of emotions constantly, and these emotions hugely influence how we carry and project ourselves each day. At times, our emotions drive us to be more courageous. Other times they drive us to the edge...

Young female is writing notes and planning her schedule.

Hurry up and Rest!

Resting is one of the hardest things for us to do. Many yoga teachers even say that savasana (relaxation time at the end of class, also known as corpse pose) is the most difficult pose for many of their students. Relentless thoughts flood our minds...

Young female is writing notes and planning her schedule.

Tools for Rapid Transformation

Two years ago, I told my husband that I was going to die early due to stress, and I was serious. I knew I had to make a change. Last week marks the one year anniversary of my trip to India, which was a turning...
